Governance of the Club

Llandegfedd Sailing Club is run purely by volunteers. There is a lot of activity, so a lot of organising is done behind the scenes. We have a central “Management” committee that oversees all of the work, and authorises anything that requires money being spent. 

There are a number of Teams that support the club, and all of the names and how to contact them is available via the following pages. The most visible teams are Training (Discover Sailing) Racing and the Bosuns' teams, 

The General CommitteeThe Teams

How can I help?

As with any club, there is always more to be done than time available. If you want to assist in running the club, contact any committee or team member and have a chat about your area of interest (or expertise) 

We run some of our meetings via Zoom, even before the Covid Pandemic. If you like doing active things, there are normally maintenance activities as well as installing new equipment, buoys etc. 

The Constitution

To provide guidance to the committee and to conform to rules set by The RYA and other bodies, we have a club Constitution. This can be amended to keep it up to date, in line with legislation, tax rules etc. The most important things it lays out are;

  • Who can be a member of the sailing club, and what rights they may have
  • How the committee and teams are elected by the general membership
  • Limitations on the powers of the committee
  • Control on the use of money.

The Constitution is on a page of its own. 


We have policies that cover our rules and decisions on a number of topics;

Safety; The club has a Safety Policy. Llandegfedd Sailing Club meets the standards of an RYA registered training centre. The policy can be found here Safety policy.

Child Protection and Safeguarding; The club has a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. Llandegfedd Sailing Club follows the recommendations of the RYA. The policy can be found here Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. 

Minimum Age Policy; Llandegfedd Sailing Club promotes the safe enjoyment of sailing. Its should be a family sport. We are frequently asked about the youngest age that we can accommodate sailors. There are two cases;

  • Club Training - We will be very cautious and will retain the minimum age of eight when the club has responsibility for the juniors
  • Sailing with Parents - The parents will have to take full responsibility - but if club boats are used please see the recommendations in our Age Policy

The policy can be found here  LLSC Age Policy.

British Youth Sailing Recognised Club
RYA Training Centre
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